
Posts Tagged ‘kannapolis’

Billionaire David Murdock Brings New Country Club to Kannapolis

October 13, 2008 Leave a comment

In a time where the economy is struggling and home buyers are having a tough run at getting a loan, the last thing you would expect would be a multi-million dollar development going forward.  But in Kannapolis, billionaire David Murdock has created a $3.96 million dollar investment in the future of Kannapolis and the surrounding area.  Murdock’s Company, Castle & Cook, has invested $1.5 billion dollars into its North Carolina Research Center which will provide hundreds of jobs and additional income for the residents of the city.  The focus of this new community is to target upscale buyers in the region and to attract buyers who are looking to travel no more than 2 miles to and from work.  A very attractive strategy considering Murdock will own and run both the residential property and the research center located just minutes away from the site.  The site which is named Irish Creek, will house several amenities not yet available to the surround area.  Some of these include a full 18 hole golf course, Club house, and pool facilities, all of which have been finished before the majority of buyers have reserved or paid for they’re lots.  Part of the reasoning behind this is that the amenities will attract buyers to the area.  With pockets as deep as Murdock’s, worries of a unstable economy are not as much as a concern as to most people.  Building will continue through the next few years with a total of 580 homes planned until completion.  With a total of $500 million to be invested in the community, Irish Creek should become one of the most prestigious locations for people of Kannapolis and the surrounding areas to be a part of.  I believe that in times such as ours, it is important that all development does not cease.  With new development comes hope and confidence that in the future, things will get better.  Even though we are in hard times…they will not be for long.